Upcoming events.

Wider Won't Work Rally

Wider Won't Work Rally

Join the People Over Parking coalition of Orlando YIMBY, Sunrise Orlando and UCF YDSA at our "Wider Won't Work rally". We will be gathered at the Orange County Administration Building to speak on the need for walkability and mass transit in our Orlando communities. After the rally, we'll be doing public comment demanding Orange County commissioners pave the way for investments in public transit and remove parking minimums from the Orange Code. Bring your conviction and be ready to make your voice heard!

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Vision For a Walkable Orlando

Vision For a Walkable Orlando

Join us for 'A Vision for a Walkable Orlando,' hosted by the People Over Parking Coalition! This meeting will delve into the Orange Code and address feedback/resistances on eliminating parking mandates to promote walkability. Engage in lively discussions, participate in an art-build for our upcoming press conference on April 9th, and be part of shaping Orlando's future. Together, let's envision a city where walking is not just a choice but a way of life. Don't miss this opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our community's development!

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Climate Emergency Campaign Launch Watch Party

Climate Emergency Campaign Launch Watch Party

It's time to make Biden use the full power of the presidency to declare a Climate Emergency. Sunrise Movement is kicking off our national Climate Emergency campaign on December 5th with a big livestreamed event. We will be meeting in person on Tues, Dec 5th at 8:30PM to watch together.


Location will be given after RSVP.


This summer, Phoenix had a straight month of temperatures over 110 degrees. Vermont was hit with storms that dumped 2 months worth of rain in 2 days, flooding towns across the state. Millions of people in the midwest and northeast choked on smoke-filled air from wildfires in Canada. In Maui, over 100 people are dead and whole towns are burnt to ash after fires ripped through the island.

And yet, Biden has not declared a climate emergency.

Declaring a climate emergency is one of the most important actions President Biden can take to lead an all out mobilization to confront the climate crisis. With a climate emergency declaration, Joe Biden could provide checks and free housing to victims of climate disasters. He could redirect funding to make our transit systems, homes, and schools resilient to extreme weather. Biden needs to use the same emergency powers that President Roosevelt used during World War II or that he and Trump used in response to COVID to ensure we are doing everything we can to confront the great crisis of our time.

That starts now! We’re kicking off our Climate Emergency campaign by asking young people across the country to hold a Launch Party in their homes, classrooms, and event spaces on Tuesday Dec 5th, 2023. These events will be an opportunity to connect with the people closest to us about the climate crisis – to get emotionally grounded in what’s at stake, and dig into our plan for how we can force the most powerful individual in the world to respond to the crisis with the seriousness needed.

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District 35 Environmental Town Hall

District 35 Environmental Town Hall

Join Sunrise Orlando for a nonpartisan conversation with candidates running in the hotly contested Florida State House District 35 Special Election on environmental issues facing Orlando and East Orange and Osceola counties.

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Climate Connections General Body Meeting

Climate Connections General Body Meeting

It’s that time again! Our General Body Meeting: Climate Connections will be on

Sunday, August 20th at 1:30pm in the Palm Room of the Orlando Public Library

Join us as we dive into the heart of our mission - advocating for a Green New Deal with equity at the forefront! We’ll be talking about how to get involved and our next steps for the upcoming school year.

RSVP here

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Young Democrats of Orange County Networking Fair

Young Democrats of Orange County Networking Fair

Saturday, July 22, 11am – 1pm EDT

1001 N Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32801

YDOC is hosting a youth networking fair to connect young passionate people with local organizations & opportunities to build our next leaders!

Local organizations and groups will be tabling from 11am-12pm with food and drinks provided, followed up by special guest speakers Congressman Maxwell Frost and State Representative Anna Eskamani from 12pm-1pm!

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Climate Connections GBM 2

Climate Connections GBM 2

Join us for our upcoming Climate Connections general body meeting. We will be voting on our next steps, so please come prepared with your ideas! We will also be reflecting on the progress made and the outcomes of our demand delivery. It is an opportunity for us to analyze our strategies and learn from our experiences to refine our approach in advocating for a Green New Deal in Orlando/Orange County.

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Demand Delivery: Orange County, End Parking Minimums

Demand Delivery: Orange County, End Parking Minimums

Join us for a crucial event as Sunrise Orlando presents their demands to "End Parking Minimums" before the Orange County's Board of County Commissioners. This anticipated Demand Delivery aims to address the detrimental impact of Parking Minimums on our communities and advocate for change.

Parking Minimums are municipal laws that enforce a fixed number of parking spaces to be allocated for any new development, regardless of its context, size, or actual demand. These regulations have been in place for years, perpetuating an outdated approach to urban planning that prioritizes cars over people.

We will present compelling evidence and arguments to the Orange County's Board of County Commissioners, urging them to prioritize the investment of public transportation and eliminating Parking Minimums. Our goal is to foster a dialogue that promotes flexible, context-sensitive parking policies that support vibrant, sustainable, and equitable communities.

We invite concerned residents, community organizations, developers, and advocates for smart urban planning to join us in this collective effort to transform our cities and create a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Learn more about the dangers of Parking Minimums here

Please note: We will provide updates on the event time by Thursday July 6. Please keep your afternoon available!

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Public Comment 101

Public Comment 101

Join us for our “Public Comment 101” where we will delve into the ins-and-outs of our upcoming July 11 Demand Delivery. 

To ensure a fair and organized discussion, we will be allocating points for each speaker to address during their respective comments. This approach will allow us to cover a wide range of topics and ensure a balanced representation of ideas. We encourage everyone to seize this opportunity to voice their opinions. We value diverse perspectives and believe that every voice matters. BRING YOUR THOUGHTS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS! 

We understand that public speaking can be intimidating for some individuals. Therefore, we want to assure you that we are here to support you. Whether you are a seasoned or novice speaker, our team will provide guidance and assistance. 

By sharing your thoughts, you contribute to shaping the dialogue and influencing the decisions that affect our community. Let your voice be heard, and together, we can make a difference.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 9407 6431
Passcode: 6Pq2bs

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Art Build

Art Build

Join us for the “Art Build,” in preparation for our “Ending Parking Minimums” Demand Delivery! Our event will be dedicated to creating posters, flyers, and signs that will serve as powerful tools for expressing our support and solidarity.

As a vital part of Sunrise Orlando, we understand that art has the ability to convey messages with great impact, fostering unity and strength within our movement. By making vibrant and eye-catching visuals, we aim to captivate the attention of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners and inspire positive change.

Let’s tap into our collective power and amplify our voices as we work towards our goal of Ending Parking Minimums. 

Whether you are an experienced artist or new to creative expression, your presence and participation in this Art Build event are invaluable. 

Sign up: https://mobilize.us/s/O2caPu

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